
您的隐私是我们最关心的问题. Wetrok AG及其附属公司收集, 仅根据欧盟《立博app》和瑞士《立博app官网》的规定处理和使用您的个人数据. In what follows, 我们会通知您有关性质, 收集及使用该等资料的范围及目的.

1. 访问数据/服务器日志文件

When you simply visit our website for purposes of information – that is to say, if you do not log in, 注册或向我们提供任何其他信息以使用立博app网站, 我们不会向您收集任何个人资料, 除了您的浏览器提供给我们的数据,以方便您访问网站.


  • Your IP address
  • 查询的日期和时间
  • 与格林威治标准时间(GMT)的时区差异
  • 请求的内容(特定页面)
  • 访问状态/ http状态码
  • 在每种情况下传输的数据量
  • 发出请求的网站
  • 推荐人的URL(之前访问过的页面)
  • Browser
  • 操作系统及界面
  • 浏览器软件的语言和版立博app
  • Provider

2. Use of cookies

When you use the website, moreover, cookies will be stored on your computer. cookie是存储在您的硬盘上的小文立博app文件,带有您正在使用的浏览器的属性, 因此,该网站放置cookie(我们), 在这种情况下)获得某些信息. cookie不能执行程序或向您的计算机传输病毒. 它们的目的是使我们提供的互联网服务更方便和有效.

a) 立博app网站使用cookie的范围如下所述:

  • 临时cookie(临时使用)
  • 持久cookie(有时间限制的使用)
  • 第三方cookie(来自第三方提供商的cookie)
  • Flash cookie(永久使用)

b) Transient cookies are automatically deleted when you close the browser. 其中特别包括会话cookie. 后者存储一个“会话ID”。, by means of which different queries of your browser can be assigned to the joint session. As a result, your computer can be recognised again when you come back to the website. 当您退出或关闭浏览器时,会话cookie将被删除.

c) Persistent cookies are automatically deleted after a prescribed duration, which may vary depending on the cookie but will not exceed a maximum of 7 days. You can delete the cookies at any time in the security settings of your browser.

d) 您可以根据自己的喜好配置浏览器设置. 这意味着您可以拒绝接受第三方cookie, 或者干脆拒绝接受cookie. 然而,我们恳请您注意,在这种情况下,您可能无法使用立博app网站的所有功能.

e) The Flash cookies used are not registered by your browser but by your Flash plug-in. These store the necessary data independently of the browser you are using, 并且没有自动失效日期. If you do not want any processing involving Flash cookies to take place, 您必须安装适当的附加组件, e.g. Mozilla Firefox“更佳私隐”(http://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/betterprivacy/)或用于Google Chrome的Adobe Flash Killer Cookie.

This stored information is saved separately from any other data you may have submitted to us. The cookies data in particular are not associated with your other data.

3. 使用web分析服务


This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (‘Google’). Google分析使用cookie.

由cookie生成的有关您使用网站的信息通常会传输到位于美国的谷歌服务器并存储在那里. 因为我们的网站启用了IP匿名, 然而,在欧盟成员国和欧洲经济区协议的其他国家,您的IP地址将首先由谷歌缩写.

只有在特殊情况下,完整的IP地址才会传输到美国的谷歌服务器,并在那里进行缩写. 根据立博app网站操作人员的指示, Google will use this information in order to evaluate your use of the website, 编写有关网站活动的报告,并向网站运营商提供与网站和互联网使用有关的进一步服务.   

从您的浏览器传输的与谷歌分析相关的IP地址将不会与谷歌的其他数据一起汇总. You can prevent the storage of cookies by making the appropriate adjustment in the settings of your browser software; we beg to inform you, however, that in that case you may not be able to use all functions of this website to the full extent.

In addition, 您可以阻止Google注册cookie生成的与您使用网站和Google对这些数据的处理相关的数据(包括您的IP地址)。, by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link:


4. 第三方服务的参与

4.1. YouTube视频的参与

(1) We have incorporated YouTube videos as part of our online presentation. These are stored on www.youtube.com 并且可以在我们的网站上直接播放. They are all linked in with the site in ‘extended data protection mode’, that is to say, no data about you as user will be transmitted to YouTube if you do not play the videos. Only when you play the videos will the data described in section 2 above be transmitted. 我们对这个数据传输没有影响.   
(2) Here are the address of YouTube and its URL, together with its notes on data protection:
YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave. San Bruno, CA 94066, USA

4.2. Use of social plug-ins


Our website and e-newsletter use social plug-ins for YouTube and LinkedIn. As a result, 从相关提供商的按钮显示,并从相应的提供商的内容嵌入在网站上. 如果你访问一个使用这些社交插件的网站, your browser establishes a connection with the corresponding provider. This provider transmits the content of the social plug-in to your browser, 哪个将其整合到相应的网站中. The data which the corresponding provider receives through this process includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • the information that your browser has accessed the corresponding website;
  • the IP address of the device that was used, even if you do not have an account with the provider.

If you are logged in with the corresponding provider at the same time, 提供商可以将此访问归因于您的个人配置文件. 如果您与社交插件进行交互——例如,通过撰写评论——相关信息将从您的浏览器传输到相应的提供者并保存在那里. 这可能也会与相应的提供商一起发布在您的个人资料上,并显示给您的联系人.


On our website, we use “Share With Your Network” (SWYN) plug-ins in the “Magazine” navigation area. 此功能允许您使用直接链接与Facebook和LinkedIn的成员分享我们电子杂志的帖子.

在我们的网站上,我们使用Facebook的社交插件. 提供商是Facebook爱尔兰有限公司.4大运河广场,大运河港,都柏林2,爱尔兰. You can find Facebook’s privacy policy at the following link: http://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/update. You can contact Facebook’s data protection officer using this contact form: http://www.facebook.com/help/contact/540977946302970.

点击SWYN Facebook按钮后,您希望分享的数据将被转发到Facebook. In addition, 除了纯内容相关的信息(图像URL), description text, link to landing page), 只有经过编码的ID才会以这种方式传输. Facebook is not able to identify the user via this code under any circumstances. 在你点击SWYN Facebook按钮后, you first have to log in to Facebook with your access data in order to “post” the desired content. After that, you can still make changes to the content before finally agreeing to publication. 这些信息只会与您的个人资料相关联,并在您同意发布后对第三方可见.

在我们的网站上,我们使用LinkedIn的社交插件. The provider is LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Gardner House, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland. 你可以在以下链接找到LinkedIn的隐私政策: http://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy?src=di-rect%2Fnone&veh=direct%2Fnone You can contact LinkedIn’s data protection officer using this contact form: http://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/ask/TSO-DPO.

When you click on the SWYN LinkedIn button, a connection is established to the servers of LinkedIn. LinkedIn will be informed that you have visited our website with your IP address. 如果您在使用LinkedIn登录您的帐户时使用LinkedIn按钮分享帖子,LinkedIn可以将您访问我们的网站与您和您的用户帐户相关联. Please note that, 作为立博app网站的提供者, we are not privy to the content of the data transmitted or their use by LinkedIn.

5. 要求提供关于特定主题的信息材料

(1) 在“资讯资料”下您可以向我们索取各种信息. 其中一些将通过邮政发送,一些将通过电子邮件发送. In some cases (e.g. 传单是一次性的信息, 在其他情况下,它可能是重复信息(如目录)。. 但是,您可以随时拒绝接收此类信息, 可以通过电子邮件(dataprotection@wetrok).com), 传真至+41 43 255 53 79或邮寄至我们出版详情中的地址.
(2) Your consent to the receipt of such information is formulated as follows:
Yes, 直到我选择退出(我可以在任何时候这样做),我希望继续收到有关我表示感兴趣的主题的信息, by post, e-mail or telephone, 并同意我的个人信息被电子收集, 由Wetrok AG及其附属公司加工和使用. 我可以随时通过电子邮件(dataprotection@wetrok)选择退出.com), 传真至+41 43 255 53 79或邮寄至Wetrok的出版详细信息中提供的地址. No transmission or sale of my data to third parties for advertising  purposes will take place.

6. Right of information

您有权申请并免费获得我们存储的与您有关的个人资料的信息. In addition users have the right to call for the correction of data where these are incorrect, 并阻止或删除他们的个人数据, provided the data are not subject to any overriding statutory obligation of retention.

7. Applications

The protection of your data during the application process is very important to us. 我们只处理与应用程序相关的数据. Along with contact details (first name, last name, address, phone number, e-mail address etc.), 这包括与应用程序(CV)相关的所有数据, references, diplomas/qualifications, 回答问题等.). 是否同意报销差旅费, data concerning bank details or mailing details may be collected and processed.

我们收集和处理您的个人申请数据仅用于填补您所申请的职位. 当然,您的资料将被视为机密,只会转发给必要的个人. 除非您事先明确同意,否则您的个人数据不会转发给Wetrok或迪塞尔凯勒集团的其他公司. 阁下的个人资料不会转交予第三者.

In the event that your profile matches another open position in the Wetrok or Diethelm Keller Group, 在将个人申请资料转发给必要的个人之前,我们也会事先征得您的同意. 


如没有法定保留期限, 一旦不再需要存储或存储的合法利益不再适用,数据将被删除. 如果你没有被录用, 这发生在申请过程结束后或我们最后一次与您联系后的六个月内.

In individual cases, particular data may be stored for longer periods of time. For example, 与可能的差旅费用报酬有关的数据受《立博app官网》关于会计和存档商业文件的保留条例的约束.

在申请过程中, we may engage service providers who are subject to our instructions to assist in the areas of EDP, 文件的归档和销毁. 如果我们在门户网站上发布招聘启事, 我们通常提供使用申请管理工具提交申请的额外选项. 这些工具通常由服务提供商提供和托管,他们也服从我们的指示.

如果你没有被录用 but your application is still of interest to us, we will actively enquire whether we may retain your application for future vacancies. If you consent, we will store your personal application data for 12 additional months at most.

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